Review: NOW AND ALWAYS and FAITH IN YOU, by Charity Pineiro

When an injury causes Connie Gonzalez to need Dr. Victor Cienfuegos, the attraction is instant. She is one of the FBI�s best agents and determined to prove herself in a man�s world. Sexy, rich and charming Victor is everything she usually tries to avoid. But the chemistry between them is too hot to ignore, and they find themselves drawn together. Now she needs to go undercover in Miami's glamorous South Beachand can't afford a distraction. Victor's hectic schedule isn't any easier to get around. Finding the time between them stretched seems to have doomed the relationship from the start. Can they get past the obstacles to a love for now and always?

I've been a fan of Caridad (Charity) for years, and I know I'll always get a great read when I pick up one of her books. I've only read her paranormals before, so this was my first contemporary. I wasn't let down. This wasn't a book with a lot of angst and the love story moved at a fast pace, but this was very satisfying nonetheless. Most impressive was the details in her setting and the Cuban culture of both the hero and heroine. I was completely immersed from page one. Recommended.
When Paul Stone accepts his partner's invitation to join her family for a traditional Cuban Christmas Eve, he is instantly captivated by her attractive kid sister, Carmen.  Carmen's first impression of Paul was when he tried to upstage her sister in the FBI academy, so she was surprised at her instant arousal towards the self-assured man. But she quickly learns his upscale upbringing provided him with all he ever needed. . .except love. After a fast-paced courtship, they are more than ready to start a life together, but fate and their own insecurities soon challenge their commitment. Can faith in each other get them to the altar or will they succumb to their past regrets and lose everything?
This is the sequel to Now and Always, but a stand alone read. As stated in my other review, I've loved Caridad's (Charity) books for years, but this was my first break away from her paranormals to contemporary. Though I loved the first book, I was more drawn to these two. Paul's history just grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Carmen was feisty and witty. As in the first book, this wasn't a story with a lot of angst and the romance was fast-paced, but a very satisfying read. Again, most impressive was the details in her setting and the Cuban culture. Highly recommended.