What I Learned in July


Emily has been sharing these 'what I learned last month' posts for a little while now, and I thought I would join up this month :) Sharing whatever random or insightful or cool things I learned this month!

1. I love these girls. Couldn't ask for two better friends. Won't see one of them again til Christmas, but when she's back we're going wedding dress shopping!! I mean, I'm already excited for this and it's not even my wedding hah a

2. Turns out, if I really try, I can not spend a single unnecessary dollar for a whole month (still paid my bills & such of course). Working through 'The 7 Experiement' study (read my review here) and while I probably went a bit overboard with the whole month thing, I really wanted to see if I could do it. And I did! I am saving up for a few big purchases in the near future, so this was a huge help.

3. Um, BlogPodium is only 7 weeks away as of tomorrow. It's getting real!!! If you don't know, I'm speaking on Photoshop for Bloggers and my question for you is: what do you want to know?

4. Speaking of BlogPodium, apparently I'm a good luck charm if you want to win a trip to come! haha Last year Barbara won (I redesigned her blog 3 months before) and this year, Sara from Saige Wisdom won a week after emailing me to help redesign her blog! Now, not trying to infer anything here, but you know, it never hurts to freshen up your blog :)

5. Passionfruit is changing! Heather over at JustLove.ly blog shared some really good insight into the whole change and while I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, I loved her post.

6. I've never been a music or radio person, but I think I do work better when I have music playing (with headphones). Seems to cut out a lot of distractions, which is always a good thing! This song & this song have been on repeat lately.

7. Little weird to admit, but I am definitely a William & Kate fan. Especially over another directionally-challenged 'celebrity' couple that just had a baby too. There's way to do things, and there's way not to do things. Thanks Will & Kate for keeping it classy.

8. Working from home, while done from the dining room table, is still work. It has it's challenges and struggles, but I am very thankful that I get to be my own boss. I have a lot of thoughts on this whole topic, but for the moment, I am learning to be grateful and accept that while I may not be here forever, this is where I am right now. Be thankful in all circumstances...

This was fun :) I know I missed some things that would have been fun to share, but next month I will keep better track! haha What did you learn last month?


Linking up with Emily over at Chatting in the Sky for What I Learned in July!